Can the "Big Bang" result from my "Grey Objects" hypothesis ?      november 20, 2016

Yes, that's the short answer, but I'll expand on it. My hypothesis "Grey objects" assumes, that these objects can collide over time and in doing so, in the explosion after the collision, local, new universes or parts of the universe can be created.

However, it should be remembered, that a head-on collision between two Gray objects is very unlikely. It is much more likely that, when two Gray objects are brought closer to each other, they will start orbiting together around a common center of gravity, and when this happens, over time, due to the loss of kinetic energy, they will get closer and closer to each other, until they finally merge into one Grey object.

Since the probability of such a merger is incomparably greater, than the probability of a head-on collision, in the event of a head-on collision, the Grey objects will already have a large amount of "clean energy" (nowadays we like to call it dark energy) in their POINTs, collected from previous mergers, and so the collision will cause an explosion and the creation of the universe, as with our Big Bang.

So from my "Grey Objects" hypothesis, the "Big Bang" theory directly follows.


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